It is not just about robotics, it is also about making natural grass more sustainable

The Role of Robotics in Supporting Sustainable Natural Grass

We can get caught up too much on using robotics for robotics’ sake, but the biggest contribution that automation and robotics can make is making natural grass more sustainable.

That word sustainable can mean a lot of things—more environmentally friendly, less use of pesticides, reduced fertilizer needs, etc. However, what we mean by sustainable is ensuring fewer people turn to plastic artificial grass. The natural grass industry must sustain itself in the face of challenges like:

  • Increasing adoption of artificial turf.
  • Stricter pesticide and fertilizer regulations.
  • Requirements to transition to battery-powered equipment.

Automation and robotics can play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges. By enhancing efficiency and reducing environmental impacts, these technologies make natural grass a more desirable and sustainable option for the future.

While the following article may not be about automation, we are working to make robotics and automation a part of the conversation. Read more: Inside The U.S. Effort To Boost The Natural Grass Industry