I’ve been messing around with a Robotic Mower Readiness Score tool to help end-users think about the big picture with implementing these mowers. I would love to get feedback and anything you would add or change.
Looks good to me. Are you going to have it suggest which brand is best based on the inputs?
Turftroniq is coming to US this year, uses novatel. It’s working on islands in the middle of the ocean where pretty much anything else hasn’t worked. So there are products that work better in bad connection areas.
Thanks, I want to eventually create feedback for different brands based on the inputs. Hopefully done with custom consulting and market research reports for golf courses.
I’ve heard about workarounds being used on Turftroniq down in the islands! Glad to hear successful solutions are being deployed for all situations.
This is excellent. I would provide some numbers to determine what some to the terms mean. Like for steepness – maybe have some numbers related to angle or percent slope. For connectivity and cellular connection – is there an app that people can use to test this? Same for tree coverage.
As I go through all of them, it seems it is more qualitative. The more quantitative you can make it the better. My thoughts. Nice work.